Follow these 18 tips and make fewer mistakes in life

Follow these 18 tips and make fewer mistakes in life

Remember to follow these 18 tips and make fewer mistakes in life

1- Do not judge someone else when you yourself have not been in the same situation.

Do not judge someone else when you yourself have not been in the same situation

2- Never allow yourself to be dominated by these 3 things:

Never allow yourself to be dominated by these 3 things

A- Your past
B- Money
C- People
3- Never allow anyone to abuse the following 3 things:

Never allow anyone to abuse the following 3 things

A- Your feelings
B- Your honesty
C- Your family
4- Never transfer your stress to someone else in order to comfort yourself.

Never transfer your stress to someone else

5- Never chase two rabbits at the same time.

Never chase two rabbits at the same time

6- When you feel pressured, do not do things hastily because they will not be done with the perfection they deserve.

When you feel pressured do not do things hastily

7- Never be fooled by a handshake.

Never be fooled by a handshake

8- Do not give someone advice in the presence of a third person.

Do not give someone advice in the presence of a third person

9- Never go to anybody’s home or office without advising them first.

Never go to anybody’s home or office without advising them first

10- Do not buy toy weapons as gifts for children.

Do not buy toy weapons as gifts for children

11- Calm waters will never make a hero of any captain.

Calm waters will never make a hero of any captain

12- Never let your knowledge of objection or flaw scare you.

Never let your knowledge of objection or flaw scare you

13- Today’s worries cannot solve tomorrow’s problems; they just ruin today’s happiness.

Today’s worries cannot solve tomorrow’s problems

14- Never say anything, good or bad, about someone else´s husband or wife.

Never say anything, good or bad, about someone else´s husband or wife

15- Never argue with a reckless, shameless, or uncontrollable person, because they do not have anything to lose.

Never argue with a reckless shamelessor uncontrollable person

16- Never forget 3 types of people in your life:

Never forget 3 types of people in your life

A- Anybody who abandoned you when you were in trouble.

Anybody who abandoned you when you were in trouble

B- Anybody who helped you when you were in trouble

Anybody who helped you when you were in trouble

C- Anybody who got you deeper into trouble
17- Never make an idol of anyone, because their smallest flaw will hurt you the most.

Never make an idol of anyone

18- Never approach a cow from the front, a donkey from behind, or a fool from any direction!

Never approach a cow from the front

Success can be found:

Success can be found

On the Boulevard of Tranquility
On the Street of Patience
In the Square of Action
In the Tower of Motivation
In the Office of Diligence
In the Home of Honesty

And failure can be found

On the Highway of Pessimism
On the Boulevard of Humiliation
On the Street of Delusion
In the Square of Empty Slogans
At the Dead-end Alley of “What should I do?”
In the Tower of Despair
In the House of Misery

1 Comment

  • Plcgoods2016 Posted April 1, 2018 8:24 pm

    Never approach a cow from the front, a donkey from behind, or a fool from any direction!

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