Programming a PLC based car Parking System with SIMATIC   S7-300 PLC
PLC Project eBooks

Programming a PLC based car Parking System with SIMATIC S7-300 PLC

As the title of the text implies, the purpose of this project is to show the reader how he can design and implement a PLC based Parking system. In short, the PLC based system will keep track of number of cars in the parking area. It will not allow more than 16 cars to park. It will show the number of lots unoccupied, will automatically raise the Gate arm to allow cars into the parking lot or leave it. It keeps track of amount of time a car is parked, the time driver is leaving the parking lot, shows current and exit Time and Date and display them on either a HMI device or PC based HMI device. PLC will finally calculate cost of parking for each car parked in the Parking. When amount is paid, the parking operator depresses a paid button, the exit arm gate is raised, and one unit is added to the total number of vacant cars in the Parking lot.

    In this project, we are dealing with design and implementation of an Automated Parking System using a typical mid range PLC in our case:  a SIMATIC S7-300 PLC plus WinCC software based PC or a typical HMI display devices

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